The Ouster Difference

Why Choose Ouster Products for Your Hot Tub Care?

Owning a hot tub comes with the responsibility of ensuring its proper maintenance. While your hot tub might look clean on the surface, it’s what’s happening behind the scenes that matters most. Inside your spa, there are many feet of intricate plumbing lines working seamlessly to move water to the jets. These hidden pathways are prone to buildup from non-living nutrients like lotions, sweat, and other contaminants when the tub is not in use.

Even the most diligent maintenance routine can’t fully prevent the accumulation of gunk in your hot tub’s plumbing over time. This is a natural occurrence common to all closed-loop warm water systems, including spas.

The Importance of Temperature

Hot tubs are typically heated between 98°F and 104°F to provide a luxurious soaking experience. However, these temperatures create an environment where buildup can thrive. If you experience any of the following conditions, an Ouster treatment can make a significant difference:

  • Black, gray, or white flakes, slime, or gunk appearing in the water, filters, or shell surface.
  • A persistent or unusual odor.
  • Cloudy water, even with regular maintenance.
  • Increased use of chemicals to maintain water quality.
  • Skin irritation or itching after soaking.
  • Your hot tub is older than one year or was purchased used.

    Regular Purging Is Essential

    To maintain a clean, well-functioning hot tub, periodic “inside out” cleaning is necessary. Ouster Hot Tub Power Purge is specially formulated to remove buildup from interior plumbing, ensuring your jets and pipes remain clean and odor-free. One Ouster treatment every 3-4 months is all it takes to maintain optimal water quality and extend the life of your spa.

    Benefits of Using Ouster

    • Eliminates Hidden Gunk: Ouster effectively removes contaminants and buildup from the interior plumbing system that daily maintenance routines can miss.
    • Improved Water Quality: Your hot tub water will look clearer, feel fresher, and smell better.
    • Enhanced Sanitizer Performance: Ouster preps your spa’s surface, improving the efficacy of your regular sanitizing products.
    • Better Hot Tub Performance: Clean pipes and jets mean smoother operation and an enhanced soaking experience.
    • Long-Lasting Results: A single dose provides thorough treatment, lasting 3-4 months.
    • Safe for Septic Systems: Ouster is designed with safety in mind, making it compatible with septic systems.

      Keep Your Hot Tub at Its Best

      Ouster is not a sanitizer but a powerful cleaning solution that complements your existing maintenance routine. Always maintain the appropriate levels of approved sanitizers, such as Di-Chlor, Ozone, Bromine, or Chlorine, in your hot tub to ensure complete water safety.

      Choose Ouster products for a pristine, well-maintained spa that you can trust for an exceptional soaking experience year-round.